Friday, April 22, 2016

Help! My Dog's a Wino!

Grapes and Raisins

Another relatively common warning dog owners hear is to keep grapes away from dogs at all costs. How true is this really? Will "Spot" instantly keel over if she gobbles up a raisin? To put it bluntly, we don't know! Some dogs are seriously affected and may even die, while other dogs have no reaction at all. However, when dogs have adverse reactions to grapes, the results tend to be serious. Dogs with grape toxicity will begin vomiting, be lethargic, refuse to eat, have diarrhea and decreased urination, abdominal pain, loss of muscle control, and/or weakness [1]. This has been seen when dogs have eaten only 19.6 grams of grapes or raisins per kilogram of body weight. Unfortunately, scientists have so far been unable to determine what is causing the toxicity, so we do not know exactly how many grapes a dog can eat before it is dangerous. So what is my recommendation? Try to avoid giving your dog grapes and raisins. If he or she does manage to get some, watch him or her closely, and if you see any symptoms of toxicity, rush to the vet straight away!

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